The ABC’s of Success for the Remainder of 2014

The ABC’s of Success for the Remainder of 2014



Jeff McLanahan
Contributing Writer
Success Academy

A is for Action…..Address issues quickly.  Make a to-do list of activities for you and your team daily.  Actions speak louder than words.  The quicker the better.  Your response time is everything in this business.

B is for Basics……While other companies are distracted with the economy, you can coach the fundamentals of quality and service.

C is for Cash Control….You worked hard at bringing the sale in, make sure it gets to the bank.  Check your financial reports regularly.

D is for Daily….Be engaged in your business every day, whether managing it yourself or a quick discussion with your manager.

E is for Execution….What we know means little.  What we do with what we know means everything.  Teach your employee’s not only what they need to know but why it’s Important.  Measure how well they use their training.

F is for Feedback…It’s the breakfast of champions that every person wants.  Be specific.  Turn “Nice job” into “Great job selling that product”.

G is for Goals…Set goals for your team, communicate these goals on a regular basis and don’t forget to celebrate these goals when they are achieved!

H is for Huddles…A minimum of one per day.  Your team wants to have goals, be quizzed, stay informed and held to a standard.  Knowledge is Power.  Knowledge shared is Power Multiplied.

I is for Inspect what you expect…People aren’t listening to you as well as you think   But they do watch what you do.  Following up on a directive will get your team to execute the expectation.

J is for Junior Managers…Teach and train them to lead, develop, and inspire your employee’s as well as you do.  If they are learning and growing, they won’t consider leaving you and going somewhere they can advance.

K is for Key Performance Indicators…What gets measured, gets done. “Don’t get caught mile wide, inch deep.  Think inch wide, mile deep.”  Focus on the vital few, not the trivial many.

L is for Leadership…Leaders are a dime a dozen during prosperous times.  Now is the time where true leadership matters.  Lead, follow, or get out of the way.  You make a difference.

M is for Mentoring…Take someone under your wing and show them the ropes.  Why have them make the same mistakes you did.  People appreciate learning from you and will pass this legacy on and make the business better.

N is for No… No poor uniforms, no bad service, no late service.  Standards and accountability make a huge difference.  Accountability matters in your business.

O is for Overall maintenance…We make a lot of service calls each week.  It’s what we do. Taking good care of every piece of equipment is paramount.

P is for People… Hire them, inspire them, develop them, and promote them.  Today’s employee wants to be recognized for their results and wants to work in an environment where they are growing and learning.  Be the employer of choice in your area.

Q is for Quality…In everything you do.  Are you “revenue ready” each and every day?  Do you set the standard in your business or does your competition?

R is for Reality…Face it.  Stop the “woe is me” mentality and get focused on what you need to do today to make the future a success.  It’s in your hands, no one else’s.  Get real.

S is for Speed of the Leader…You set the pace.  Everyone is boss watching these days. If it’s important to you, you are the example and are getting things done.  It’s not what you say, it’s what you do.

T is for Training…You expect the best and employee’s want to be the best.  Provide them with the tools to be successful such as Success Academy classroom training and weekly Success Profit Network sessions.

U is for Upsell…Your CSRs and technicians need to speak slower and with a smile in their voice.  Your customers should know what the options are.  Do it in an enticing way not because you have to.  Customers can tell the difference.  Sales matter.

V is for Verify…as in TBV…Trust, But Verify.  Trust everyone but follow up on the job to make sure it’s done the way you want.  You know what happens when you assume.

W is for Worrying…about the things you can control, not the things you can’t.  You can’t control the economy, Wall Street, and gas prices. You do control who you hire, how they look and act, what you stand for and how you and your team treat your customers.

X is for X factor….That’s you.  Your coaching and inspiration will make the difference between success and failure in the remainder of 2014.  Take on this challenge. You do make the difference in how high the daily standard is.  Take a good look in the mirror daily.

Y is for Why….Teach the “why” daily to your employees.  When it makes sense to them, it will make cents for you.

Z is for Z’s.  Don’t get caught napping (zzzzz’s) this year.  It will take every bit of planning and strategizing to improve the top and bottom lines of our business.  Work smarter, not harder.  Best of luck for the rest of 2014.