Employees See Everything

Employees See Everything

Steve Coscia
Contributing Writer
Coscia Communications

Managers lead by example when workplace challenges arise.

Employees watch how their boss reacts when something goes wrong. And hopefully, employees will see positive example to follow.

But what happens when managers practice the “do as I say, not as I do” approach? 

The below hyperlink explains that employee see everything. Managers who think they can hide from their subordinates are mistaken.


Practicing full disclosure builds trust among employees and this improves morale.

Managers can’t hide from their subordinates.  Employees see everything.


Workplace Stress Relief

Company owners and managers handle varying amounts of workplace stress.

My experience is that stress results from my own doing.  That’s right, sometimes I made things worse.

James Allen, in his essay, As A Man Thinketh, wrote “circumstances don’t make a man, they reveal the man.”

The below hyperlink expands on James Allen’s quote and adds a little insight on workplace stress.
