That Time of the Year

That Time of the Year

Mark Matteson
Contributing Writer
Sparking Success

Business slows to a crawl this time of the year. Holiday parties, family gatherings, vacations headed south. Hey, I am leaving for Hawaii tomorrow for nine days! What to do if your prospects are not returning your calls or emails? How can you still be effective? Here is a short list of professional and personal activities that will make you more productive in the new year:

Professional Action Items:

Organize your desk, files or computer
Write an e-newsletter to thank your customers
Send handwritten thank you notes to your customers
Take clients, co-workers, or your team to lunch and say thank you
Read a good business book in alignment with your goals
Write down all your WINS from this last year
Enroll in a seminar or workshop to sharpen your communication skills

Personal Action Items:

Join a gym and hire a fitness trainer.
Take a college class to learn how to play the piano, paint, weld, photography, etc.
Schedule a foot massage
Go to a comedy club with the friends you have that love to laugh
Go hit a bucket of balls at the driving range (or tennis)
Plan a family reunion
Go visit your favorite teacher from college or high school and thank them
Rent a ride in a hot air ballon
Get caught up on all the magazines you didn’t read this year
Join a self-help group (Weight Watchers, AA, Al-Anon, Toastmasters)
Take a train ride to another state and bring your camera
Invest in journal and list all your notable accomplishments going all the way back to first grade!
Do something you thought you were too old to do (skydive, surf, jet-ski, white water rafting) Create your “Bucket List”

I do this every month. It has changed my life and helped me appreciate the little things that I miss when I flying all over the world. It matters. It’s that time of the year. Go for it!

To contact Mark Matteson, call 206.697.0454 or email