5 Ways to Protect yourself and Your Clients on Every Job

5 Ways to Protect yourself and Your Clients on Every Job

Contributing Writer

As Essential Workers, service professionals don’t have the ability to hunker down and stay away from potential exposure as the Covid-19 outbreak grows. And while you are used to clients calling stressed or anxious due to some malfunction of their equipment, now you have to account for the added anxiety from asking a ‘stranger’ into their safe place.

It is important to take necessary precautions to protect yourself and the clients you serve each day as well as making sure you’re helping them to feel as comfortable as possible inviting you into their homes. Here are some ways to make sure you’re doing all of the above.

Offer a “No Contact” service call. Let your clients know up front your company and technicians are taking every step possible to minimize interaction. No handshakes or business cards. Don’t leave behind invoices unless the client requests it. At the very least mail them. But now, more than ever, is a good time to start figuring out how to handle everything digitally so you can send your clients the documentation they need and avoid all contact.

Make sure your clients know the extra steps you’re taking to protect them and their homes. In addition to the No Contact service calls, tell them that your technicians are wearing masks, gloves and shoe covers on every job. Verify with your technicians that they are changing between jobs to avoid cross contamination from one client to another.

On jobs that require a lot of in and out, surface protection products are great to lay down once instead of having to take on and off shoe covers. You are still creating a barrier between your technicians boots and the client’s floor and any equipment you have to roll in or out.

Just like they’re suggesting in the medical field, don’t wear your work clothes into your home after a long day of them being exposed to different environments. Always take your work clothes off before you enter your home and put them directly in the washing machine. It is also a great idea to wear coveralls to help limit the potential of taking germs on your clothes from one job to another.

Wash your hands and/or use wipes and hand sanitizer as much as possible. Wipe down surfaces you are going to touch before you work to protect yourself and after you work to protect your client. Keeping a bottle of sanitizer on you at all times is a great idea. And if you can find any, let us know. We are looking.

Stay safe on the front lines and know that ShuBee is standing behind you and ready to serve you. Thank you for all you do.