The Sales

The Sales

Vincent Ivan Phipps
Contributing Writer
Communication VIP

I still remember my senior year of college as the most challenging for two reasons: my workload tripled compared to the previous three years and that was the year I took a job selling vacuum cleaners.

Those who know me might think I’m a natural salesman. While selling the vacuums, I learned the ABC’s of selling: A = Always, B = Be, C = Closing! Regardless of how valuable your product, how likeable and competent the salesperson, or how much in need the potential buyer might be, the one thing every successful salesperson should know is the art of closing the sale!

Following are some guidelines for closing the sale.


  • Ask closed questions (“yes” or “no” questions).
  • Keep your face and body language relaxed.
  • Adapt to the person’s behavioral style and close accordingly.
  • Follow up by sending them something in writing that confirms agreements.
  • Give them more than they expect.



  • Be afraid to ask.
  • Forget to paraphrase conditions.
  • Use vague terms: next week, soon, discount.
  • Overstay your welcome after making the sale.
  •  Assume they understand everything.

Closing on some sales will be easy because the product will sell itself. In some cases, the result of the sale will be dependent on the skill of the salesperson. For many of us, our income and quality of life are dependent on how adept we are at selling.

At Communication VIP, we have our own ABC’s of selling: A = All, B = Businesses, C = Communicate. In addition to teaching the secrets of closing more sales, we also know that selling is an art. So, contact us if you want to paint your masterpiece!

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Click here to see the energy of a live presentation by Vincent Ivan Phipps!

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