Everything Is Energy

Everything Is Energy

Ellen Rohr
Contributing Writer
Bare Bones Biz

The other day, I called five of my clients and told them how much I loved them.  Good business practice, right?  Then, I asked, “What is it that you like about working with me?”

Five out of five answered the same way, “It’s your energy.  I like being around you.  Your energy is contagious.”

My energy seems to be enough.  It seems to be…extraordinary.   I’ve built a career on being a person that brings energy, instead of sucking the life out of everyone around me. I hope that I also bring some sound business counsel to the relationship, and subsequent questions assured that I have been helpful, thank you very much.  However, this energy thing got me thinking.

I don’t always wake up sunshiny and enthusiastic, however I usually do.  I am naturally optimistic.  And, I discipline myself to be happy, and to do things that make me feel good.  The best way I can describe “being energetic” is having the mental, physical and spiritual fuel to do what I want to do.

There is an art and practice to managing and maintaining energy.  It takes a while, but I will run out of energy. I got sick a few weeks ago.  It was the first time I was prescribed antibiotics in 15 years. I had traveled a ton, was training for a marathon, and I wore myself out.  Exhaustion and illness can be lovely reminders that you need to take care of yourself. We all know folks – maybe you? – who are sacrificing their health for their business.  Let’s not do that.

Better to refill the tank before it gets to empty.  Here are my favorite ways to magnetize energy.

• Think about, talk about, and take action on things that make you feel good.  Don’t ignore your intuition.  If it feels bad, don’t do it.

• Breathe.  In and out.  Ahhhh.  When I am stressed, I hold my breath.  A few deep breaths relieve stress and increase oxygen.  Focusing on your breath puts you in the here and now, and allows you to reboot.

• Meditate.  I took an online class, twice, to help me learn to meditate and quiet my noisy mind.  There are techniques that you can learn and use to calm down and recharge.  For most of us, this does not come naturally.

• Walk the dog; pet the cat.  Animals are master energy teachers.  Notice how your dog can go from sound asleep to a flat out run when you say, “Let’s go for a walk!”  Dogs recharge and spend energy perfectly.  And cats, wow, watch them move and inspire your yoga practice.

• Volunteer to help someone else.  Nothing magnifies gratitude and energy like helping someone out.  Selflessness is the most selfish thing you can do.  Get involved in a cause you believe in.

• Ask for help, from that guy, or from on high. There is someone on your team or in your family or in your softball league who will help you out.  If you have a spiritual practice, you can call on that energy to fill you up.  “Give me grace.  Give me strength.  Give me energy.  Please and thank you.”  This may be the best thing I do to generate energy…I call on it from the unlimited source of it.

Not all energy is positive.  Some people wield hurricane force.  In their wake is fear and disaster.  What’s the difference?  Love.  Those who are motivated by love and being of service create a positive effect. These tips are from me to you, with love.